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Gathering Stories at Advent

copyright 2021 Georgiann Foley

In the Midwest people are stringing colorful lights on awnings preparing for the holiday season. We've had snow flurries even before today, December 1st, and it's Advent. I read Sarah Schutte's online article "Hark! 'Tis Advent," and some of her family traditions reminded me of our family. Mom and Dad, and all of us, would carry down these bulky boxes of ornaments and lights to decorate the Christmas tree. However, it was the box of Christmas books that I most looked forward to. I would curl up in an armchair and pull out a picture book or a storybook and read about Christmas in other lands, or about a mysterious holiday where a stranger leaves something magical by the fireplace.

Ms. Schutte gives a suggested holiday book list, and, yes, we did have J.R.R. Tolkien's book entitled Letters from Father Christmas on our list, too. However, one book she didn't have is a picture book that's entitled Carl's Christmas by Alexandra Day. This subtle action story is all illustrations, and, you, the reader makes up the story based on what you see. A dog is left to watch over a baby, and, how that baby does get into things! It's quite humorous. Isn't the holidays about joy, surprises, and wonderment?

Here's one of the illustrations from Alexandra Day's picture book. Also, check out the link below for Ms. Schutte's article.

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